I am currently using the General Hydroponics FloraGro system. Today I will go through how I mix and use the nutrients and how often I use them for plants in semi hydro.
If you are new to Semi Hydro, you should check out this post as well: Semi Hydro Step by Step Guide.
What You Will Need
FloraGro System
I have noticed a good amount of growth in my plants since switching to these nutrients. I highly recommend the General Hydroponics line if you are looking for nutrients for your plants in Semi Hydroponics.
PH testing Kit
Eye Droppers
I have this 4pack kit from Amazon: https://amzn.to/38cc7os
I use one for each nutrient and the fourth one I use for PH down. These eye droppers make it easy to measure out the nutrient amounts properly and also help avoid getting PH down on your hands as it is very corrosive.
PH UP and/or PH Down
It is a good idea to test your solutions/water before buying PH UP or DOWN. There is a chance that you will not need both or either of them. I personally only use PH down as I do not have a need for PH UP.
Bottle for Mixing
I like to mix nutrients at the time of use. I always pick a bottle that will make just enough nutrients and measure the nutrients accordingly.
Water (Distilled or Filtered would be best)
If you use tap water you will probably want to flush your LECA through more often as minerals build up will mostly likely occur faster. Alternatively you can filter your tap water. I use this ZERO filter: ZERO WATER 10 CUP WATER FILTER that removes fluoride and other impurities from your tap water.
You May Also Like: Semi Hydro: 10 Mistakes I Made as a Beginner
How to Mix
- Get your bottle and fill it with the amount of water you will need.
This will vary depending on how many plants you have to feed - Check the chart on your FloraGro for the amount you will need for your plants.
TIP: start with a weaker solution and work your way up. - Always start with FloraMicro to avoid nutrient lock out. Add the needed amount to the water and mix it in and let it set for a minute.
- Add in FloraGro
- Add in FloraBloom. FloraBloom is great for root growth and blooming plants. I use it on any of my flowering plants (like Hoyas) at the same dose as FloraGro. Plants that aren’t at a flowering stage or not know to flower, I will still use it but at half the dose.
- Check PH of the mixture. The ideal PH for plants in semi hydro is 5.5 to 6.5. This is the PH level that most plants are able to properly absorb nutrients.
- If you need to adjust PH you will need PH Up/PH Down.
- Add a small amount of PH UP or Down to your mixture.
TIP: start small to avoid needing to use both products - Add the Mixture to your pot/reservoir
After I add new FloraGro nutrients every 4-6 weeks and top up with plain water if I need to before the 4-6 week mark.
Have you tried semi hydro and/or General Hydroponics FloraGro? Let me know in the comments!
And don’t forget to head over to my Instagram to see a step by step video of how I mix my nutrients: @thepeculiarrose