Plant and roots in Leca

Semi Hydroponics. Do you keep hearing about it? Are you interested in trying it out but unsure where to start or overwhelmed because it is totally different from how you are currently growing your plants? Maybe you have no idea what it is about at all. Well what if I told you it didn’t have to be that complicated? You don’t have to suddenly convert all of your plants to passive hydroponics all at once. You don’t have to be an expert to use it either.

What is Semi Hydroponics?

Syngonium Albo in LECA for Semi Hydro Growing

The first question you might have is What is semi-hydroponics? Semi-hydroponics or passive hydroponics is a method for growing plants, using a soiless medium, The most common medium for passive hydroponics is LECA (Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate.) Basically, clay balls that expand when soaked in water. This soil-less medium will wick up water to the roots of the plant when needed. Because LECA is inorganic medium, you will need to add nutrients to the water. It may seem like too much work to buy LECA and all the nutrients when you can just buy soil. Semi hydroponics may not be for everyone but there are several benefits for those who want to try it out.

Benefits of Semi Hydro

Prevent Root Rot

If you have a tendency to over or underwater your plants, you may want to try out semi hydroponics. In semi hydroponics the roots of the plant should always sit above the water level. The LECA will wick the moisture and nutrients up to the roots as the plant needs it, keeping the moisture level consistent. The plant will also only drink when needed, so you will only have to keep an eye on the water level in the reservoir.

The LECA also helps provide better airflow to the roots than they would have sitting in soil. Plant roots breathe oxygen just like we do. LECA provides a great environment for proper oxygen flow. While soil may be completely fine, there is greater risk of the soil compacting and restricting proper air flow to the roots. This combination of consistent moisture and oxygen flow to the roots will significantly decrease chances of root rot or dying from drought.

Water Less Often

Since the LECA only wicks water up to the plant when it is needed and this means the time between watering is extended. This can be a great option for those that like to vacation or even those that just don’t have the time to water plants often. Like soil, the temperature will still determine how fast the water is evaporated. So you may want to keep an eye out when temperatures are high. You just don’t want the water to completely evaporate. I find I only need to add water every 3-4 weeks. Some plant could last even longer. Just like soil, the smaller the pot the faster the water will evaporate. Try keeping an eye on your water levels until you can gauge how often they need water.


Another benefit of using LECA is that it is reusable. You can boil it, soak it in rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide and it is good to go. Even if you accidentally drop and smash a pot, you can pick up the clay balls a lot easier than salvaging soil. If the clay does eventually break down and crumble you can use mix it into soil for better drainage. You can also use pieces in a pebble tray with water for those humidity loving plants. Who doesn’t love to reuse and recycle?

Saves Money

The initial cost of starting hydroponics may seem a bit high but the fact you can reuse LECA, so many times, makes it worth the initial investment. On top of that, don’t forget time IS money, The less frequent the watering and plant care, the more time you will have for other things. It will make being a plant parent a lot more manageable.

May Reduce Pests

When I first looked into LECA it interested me because I had just dealt with my first spider mite infestation. It was my first encounter with plant pests and I was already over it. I heard that LECA reduces risks of plant pests. Now, it may not completely rid you of pests but it may reduce the risk. I would not necessarily switch for this benefit alone as there is still a risk of plant pests.

Now that you know the benefits you probably want to know how to get started.

What You Will Need for Semi Hydroponics

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Tools for Semi Hydro. General Hydroponics FloraGro and PH test kit.

The first things you will need:


2) Superthrive – This will lessen the shock to the plant and make the transition easier. It may not be absolutely necessary but I do use it and have great results.

3)Nutrients General Hydroponics FloraGro are the nutrients I use. They may seem a bit pricey but you use such a small amount that the bottles will last a long time.

You May Also Like: How To Add Nutrients for Plant in Semi Hydro

4) PH Up or Down– You can test your mix and add a bit of PH up or PH down to alter the PH. A PH that is too high may inhibit nutrient absorption. It is a good idea to get a PH test kit. And after you test your mixture you probably won’t have to test every time if you are using the same water and nutrient mix.

5) Pot, net pot and cache pot or pot with side drainage hole– You will need some sort of pot that can hold the water mixture. I like using clear glass or plastic vases so I can see the roots grow and see when the water is getting low. You can drill your own holes into the side of your pot, just above the water level. This will help with flushing. However, You will need the right drill bit for this. I also really like using net pots or nursery pots that have many drainage holes in the bottom and then you can put that pot inside a bigger decorative pot or container that does not have any holes and can store the water.

How To Get Started


Soak your new LECA in water for 24 hours. Do not skip this step or lessen the soak time. The reason we soak LECA is to leech out the minerals. Excess minerals can inhibit the LECA and therefore the plant from properly absorbing the nutrients. If you just rinse your LECA it may appear to work but long term your plant may suffer.

Leca soaking in water


Now that the LECA has soaked it is time to drain the water and let the LECA dry.

TIP: DO NOT dump the water you soaked your LECA in, down the drain. The minerals can build up and clog your plumbing!

Leca drained after soaking in water for 24 hours. Ready to be used for semi hydroponics


Pick your plant. If it is your first time trying to convert, I suggest use a plant propagated in water or a plant that you will not be devastated losing. You probably don’t want to start with your most prized plant as there can be a bit of a learning curve with this new method. It’s also a good idea to start with a small plant. The more established the plant, the more extreme the shock to the plant and the harder the transition can be.

TIP: If you do convert a plant from soil you can help the transition by increasing the humidity for your plant. If you need tips on increasing humidity check out this post: Humidity Tips


If you are taking something out of soil, make sure to remove as much soil as you can without damaging the roots. If there is too much soil left behind, the plant could still succumb to root rot. IF you use water to get some of the soil off, let the roots dry off a bit before putting it into LECA.

TIP: It’s a good idea to let the LECA and roots of the plant dry before using. Some plants may have smaller or more sensitive root systems and can be more susceptible to root rot if the roots and LECA are too wet.

Cleaned roots ready to be put in LECA for semi hydroponics


Fill the pot about a quarter to a third of the way with LECA.

Vases filled with LECA 1/3 of the way for semi hydroponics


Place your plant on top of the LECA

Plant placed on top of the LECA to prepare for semi hydroponics


Carefully add more LECA so the roots of the plant are covered

Vase filled with more LECA to cover the plant's roots


Add the recommended amount of superthrive to a bottle/container of water and mix.

Superthrive and water mixture


add the mixture to the pot about a quarter to a third of the way (just below the roots.) Superthrive will help the transition and lessen the shock to the plant


You can leave the plant for a few weeks in just that mixture. The next time you need to water is when I would add nutrients to the water and top up. Follow the instructions on the nutrients you choose and add the amount to a container of water. (If you are concerned about PH, now is the time to test PH and adjust if needed.)


When your mixture is ready top up the water in your pot to the 1/3 level, just below the roots. You do not want the roots sitting in the water mixture because the idea is that the LECA will wick up the mixture when it needs it.

I personally only add nutrients every 4-6 weeks and If I need to top up water before the 4-6 week point, I will just add plain water.

If you are still nervous, I would suggest starting with something that is easy to propagate in water and converting that. Or if you want to try from soil start with something small that will not hurt too much if it becomes a casualty. I have lost a couple small plants my first go with passive hydroponics. Because it’s all just a learning process and seeing what works. In any growing medium there is always a change of a plant dying. Don’t let it discourage you from trying.

Just start small. Try one at a time.

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I’d love to hear how your semi hydro journey is going! Feel free to leave a comment or any questions you might have.